Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Love Scouts

By the time my daughters were in Young Womens at our church, my son was beginning Scouts.  Before that, I did  Tiger Scouts with him on our own because we couldn't find a troop in our area.  This worked out fine for us because we were starting to homeschool kindergarten and I treated Tiger Scouts like another subject with fun field trips the whole family took together.  I wish I would have thought to take pictures of this but since we were not in a troop it didn't occur to me.  They wore orange shirts with matching caps.

When Bryce began Cub Scouts, I made sure the leader had something Bryce had accomplished at home to record at each meeting.  Next thing I knew, I was called to be the Cub Scout Leader for our church Cub Scouts.  We went on field trips, but mostly I helped the boys get caught up and advance.  At one family meeting there was a fun obstacle course to complete in the gym.  We did a Cake Bake where father and sons (without the help of a female) made and presented a cake and held it out at the church pavilion.  Everyone received an award.

We also had a Court of Awards where I went all out on the decorations!  I made these lanterns as centerpieces and used them at several Court of Awards.  They were made with painted Popsicle sticks and wax paper with fleur de lis (Boy Scout symbol) cut-outs on each side.  This was the second time they were used.  I used battery operated tea candles to light them.  I found all kinds of ideas just by Googling Cub Scout decorations.

When my son was in Cub Scouts, they really encouraged families to be involved.  This is a recipe holder that Bryce made with his dad's help.  I've used it ever since!

When planning a Scout meeting of any kind, I always tried to fill the entire time (60-90 minutes) and even practiced the activities ahead of time.  Because of this, most meetings (involving several short activities) transitioned smoothly and kept the boys from becoming restless.  See MORE of my Boy Scout photo gallery by clicking on Read more...

This layout shows a box car rally and field trip to a local fire house that the recent tornadoes just demolished!  There's also pics from our Blue and Gold Banquet.

Here's the Cake Bake and Relay Race from two separate family events.

This shows the boys at the Stake Raingutter Regatta and the second Blue and Gold Banquet that I did.

My husband took Bryce and Sam to the last Cub Scout event before they turned eleven and became Boy Scouts.

Rickwood Caverns is a great place for a Boy Scout over-nighter (just get permission from the Boy Scout office first!)  There are caverns to tour, a pool, group primitive camping, lots of pavilions, etc.  Here Bryce and Sam are working on many beginning requirements such as lashing, swimming, cooking, etc.  They also went to their first Boy Scout Camp near Mentone, Alabama at Top of the Mountain.  Those are the top three pictures of this two-page layout.

My husband took advantage (with a little help from moi), of all the camping opportunities for new scouts.  The stake had an 11-yr.-old campout that Sam and Bryce went to and were able to sign off quite a few requirements!

Chief Ladiga Trail in Cleburn County, Alabama is such a great place to do Cycling Badge.  They guys loaded up their bikes and headed out on several trips to the trail to finish a total of 50 miles!  They're legs looked awesome (see below pic!).

Winter Camp (right after Christmas) is a good time to get those badges that can be completed at camp (so Mom doesn't have to help you finish them at home!)  I never minded my husband taking the guys to camp (using up rare vacation time) to spend quality time with his boy and helping the other young men from church advance in Scouting.

My husband had volunteered to be the Scout Master because otherwise they weren't planning on doing Scouts--just in time for my son to become a Scout!  Apparently, not too many people at our church do 11 yr. old Scouts, even though the Stake has an event for them.  So with my help (record-keeping), my husband took on not only the new guys like Bryce and Sam but anyone else who wanted to do Scouts.  There were only a handful of us--believe it or not only 3 families!

Spencer's dad volunteered to go to summer camp and ended up writing the skit our troop was to do.  It sounded like they were very successful.  They did pretty much everything you could do at Camp Sequoyah near Mt. Cheaha.  Before they went, we did a preclinic were we got some Camping Badge and other requirements completed (see top three photos, left page).  In fact the Young Women actually ended up attending this as well.

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