Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Days: Cleaning Schedules

I admit, my New Year's Resolution could only be exciting to a Homemaker.  I resolve to clean my entire home and yard in an organized manner!  Yes, I am very excited about this!!  A personal cleaning schedule is something I want to include in my own homemaking journal I am putting together for my kids.  The idea came from recently rereading all of the Little House books (Laura Ingalls Wilder) and finding a cleaning schedule in Little House in the Big Woods.

"Wash on Monday,
Iron on Tuesday,
Mend on Wednesday,
Churn on Thursday,
Clean on Friday,
Bake on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday."

I think everyone would take a restful Sunday more seriously if they had to work hard six out of the seven days a week.  Little House in the Big Woods takes place before everyone had kerosene lanterns and coal burning stoves.  Very few women could work outside the home because there was so much to accomplish at home.  I really feel for the women back then who believed they were not talented at homemaking.  You really had to make the effort anyway!

I've been reading old Relief Society manuals from the late 1980's and 1990's.  I love how much emphasis the Church used to put on Homemaking Skills, keeping homes clean and tidy, and being organized.  Now I remember where I get this from.  I had my 19 year-old daughter read a lesson by Russell M. Nelson, (Apostle) about abortion.  When she was through reading that lesson, she became so interested in the other lessons that she asked if she could take the book back to school with her.  (I'm so proud!)

Some of my Daily Chores are pretty hefty and may take splitting the chores up for that day and completing them over two weeks.  Also, we only have 1400 sq. feet (by choice) so I don't have a huge house to clean.  If the kids are around with nothing better to do (like homework...) they help me.  Here's my Daily Schedule:

Each Day:
Personal Prayer
Laundry (1-2 loads daily)
9-10am, Work Out (Leslie Sansome Walk at Home)
10-12am, Daily Chore (listen to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Conference Talks during chore):
Daily Chores List:
Mondays:  Mop floors and vacuum (furniture too), wash rugs, clean porch room floor
Tuesdays:  Clean personal bathroom (husband and son share a bathroom that they clean), my bedroom, and dust my bookcases (takes up one whole wall), blinds and fans (including bath exhaust fan)
Wednesdays:  Dust a different room each week including porch room, (blinds and fans, corners and ceilings included and wash windows, clean leather chairs).
Thursdays:  Bake bread, clean out fridge and clean appliances (exterior)
Fridays:  Water plants, vacuum and wash truck (my personal vehicle) thoroughly, pay bills, create menu (using up stuff in the fridge and pantry) and create list for the rest of my groceries, grocery shopping
Saturdays:  Deep clean (a different one each week)--
cabinets (any throughout house)
laundry room (and vent system)
range hood and filter
vinyl siding
exterior windows and screens
paint any wood exterior (this years' project)
yard work

12:00-2:50pm, While resting, study either GRE test, a past bookmarked Ensign article, or the Sunday School lesson (scripture study)
2:50-5:00pm, School pick-up and fix dinner
5-7pm, Pay bills/File papers, menu and grocery list updated, help with homework
7:00pm - bedtime, Do something creative (catch up on scrapbooks, sew dress and fleece shawl, complete sanding and cleaning repurposed furniture, complete cross-stitch project).
Family Prayer, Personal Prayer/Read novel

Here's my checklist for the week:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is so inspiring. It's exactly what I should be doing! I really need to get organized, and my house is long overdue for a good deep cleaning. Thanks for sharing.


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