Friday, May 27, 2011

In the Eye of the Beholder

Audrey Hepburn's Beauty Secrets
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. 
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, 
revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, 
you will find one at the end of each of your arms.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, 
one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

There truly is nothing more beautiful than a wonderful personality.  I have met physically attractive people who quickly became unattractive after becoming better acquainted.  Adversely, I have met people who were physically plain or downright unattractive and through their own personal magnetism, became quite beautiful or handsome whichever the case might be.

We want you to live lives of spiritual maturity and fulfillment, free of unrealistic comparisons.  ~Elaine L. Jack, former general Young Women's president

Though disturbing to me, I have found that many extremely unattractive people can be quite vain!  They put on the "trappings" of style, wealth, or whatever makes them more impressive to others and then tend to be much more sensitive to and punitive about the way other people look.  

The gospel assures you that your value is not dependent on your looks or material possessions.  ~Elaine L. Jack

I have often commented (privately of course) that there are many overweight people who would be stunning if they slimmed down; at the same time, there are many slim people who are just never going to be considered physically beautiful due to what nature gave them to work with.  Amazingly, some of these same unendowed people seem to feel superior because at least they are not overweight!  So it seems hardly right that undeniably physically (shall I dare say it?) ugly people should put down other people for being too fat, too drab, doesn't wear makeup or go to the stylist or tanning beds every week....I mean--LOOK IN THE MIRROR!!!

In Mary Webb's Precious Bane...what is finally evolved in us is more than the fairy-tale longing that our inner beauty will be seen so clearly it will make us beautiful before the world; it is the longing to be known and loved for all our blemishes, our warts and wens and contradictions, to be "let in" whole.  ~Erika Duncan

Now this may sound pretty offensive to some folks, and if so, I apologize.  My point is that we cannot depend on our looks through life.  There has got to be more to us than that.  We should certainly make the most of our looks, but I personally don't think significantly changing those looks with phony hair color, a mask of makeup, material "stuff," and even surgery is the way to go.  When we die and go to Heaven, we will be our perfected selves.  I think this means that we won't need glasses, hopefully our teeth will be straight, we will have our natural hair color, and I am pretty sure there will be NO MAKEUP!  I believe we will wear modest clothing like what we wear in the temple.  And we will be as thin as God wants us!!!

Dear Lord, who made the face of me not all that I would have it be, not really homely, only plain, but strong and patient in the main.  Yet one, a man apart, who found me fair and gave his heart.  Now Lord, that I have grown more sage...into middle age.  I only ask, as face grows lined of countenance, it be described as kind; that wrinkles by my eyes will show a little humor as I go; that I may view my humble scene with glance of one content, serene, through grateful, shining eyes that see the blessings you have given me.  ~Ruth Perry

If we have changed our looks from a natural, neat and clean appearance to something that looks radically different from the way God made us, how will we recognize each other when we get to the "other side?"  Some women I know have NEVER let their husbands see them without makeup and are actually proud of this fact.  I feel so bad for them.  How must it be to look in the mirror and not love yourself?  

Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. ~Sophia Loren

We should be grateful for what we have been endowed with and work on other things that are not just skin deep, like a wonderful, cheerful, loving personality, and our character and intelligence--all of which matters in the world beyond.

Beautiful faces are those that wear--
It matters little if dark or fair--
Whole-souled honesty printed there.
~Ellen P. Allerton

Other Pearls of Wisdom on Beauty:

We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?

An ugly voice repels me where an ugly face would not.  ~Agatha Christie

Our girls have need of such an example of graciousness, elegance, refinement, and spirituality.  ~Maria Dougall

The ideal necklace, the  most universally becoming piece of jewelry ever a string of pearls.  Every woman should own a single strand pearl necklace, and a second one of three or five strands...Like roses in a vase, an odd number is more elegant than an even one.  ~Genevieve Antoine Dariaux

I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's fashions.  ~Lillian Hellman

When it comes to clothes, you can't have everything you want, but you can want everything you have.  ~Francie Herridge

The face you have when you are forty is exactly what you deserve.  ~Helena Rubenstein

Homemade beauty products that make the most of God's Creation:

Visit my other post for Spa-rific Bath Mixes to Give.

Lavender-Chamomile Facial Steam Mix
1 c. dried chamomile
1 c. dried lavender flowers
Combine chamomile and lavender in a mixing bowl and mix well.  Pour into decorative 1-pint container with tight-fitting lid.  Attach gift tag with raffia or ribbon.
Tip:  Buy dried lavender flowers at arts and crafts store.  For dried chamomile, use chamomile tea bags.  It will take 40 to 50 tea bags to equal 1 cup.
Tag:  Pour 1/2 c. Lavender-Chamomile Facial Steam Mix into knee-high stocking; knot and set aside.  Bring 1 quart water to boil in medium saucepan; remove from heat and place on hot pad.  Place stocking in water and steep 5 min.  Lean face 6-8 inches above saucepan.  Use a towel to make a tent over head and saucepan.  Steam for 10 min., then pat dry and moisturize face well.

Exotic Body Powder
1-1/2 c. cornstarch
1/2 c. baking soda
1/4 t. cloves
1/4 t. ground ginger
1/4 t. sandalwood soap fragrance
Process all ingredients together in a blender or food processor until very finely ground.  Pour into decorative 1-pint container, preferably one with a shaker top.  Attach gift tag with raffia or ribbon.  Tip:  Buy soap fragrances at arts and crafts stores.  Yield:  2 c.

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