Thursday, July 14, 2011

Book Review: Sarah, Plain and Tall

ISBN 0618062416
At the height of homeschooling where all three were being taught in our home by me, I became very passionate that all of my associations with children, whether homeschool, Girl Scouts or children's church activities be given my best efforts.  In this environment, it was really easy to take each activity and plan it as carefully as I would a homeschool lesson. 

Many would probably feel that doing a book review with 16, 8-11 year old girls as a weekly church activity would be going above and beyond.  However, I was familiar with a really good resource (listed below) that I was using with my older children to study Newbery Award winning books (I'm picky about these because some are just down-right depressing!)  This made planning a series of book-review activities relatively painless.  Not all the girls were on board, however, since reading was involved.  This book could be read in one sitting by an 11 yr. old.  The younger girls and their moms were more receptive!  

We actually did the above pictured chapter review and I think we watched the movie.  The book was covered over 3-4 weeks.  You may not be able to do all the activities in a weekly environment--I chose the ones that would fit our group of girls the best.  But homeschoolers and teachers of this age-group might want to try all of the activities.  I also highly recommend the Kirsten series and teacher's guide.  My younger daughter and I really enjoyed doing these activities together.

Teaching With Favorite Newbery Books, Lori Licciardo-Musso ISBN 0590019759

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