Monday, May 20, 2013

Nesting... Book Review: Wabi Sabi Style

Book Review, part 2:  Nesting, It’s A Chick Thing, by Ame Mahler Beanland and Emily Miles Terry.

“It’s All Good” describes the wabi sabi style in a nut shell.  Wabi Sabi, is kind of like Feng Shui, only different.  It is an Eastern design principle developed by Zen monks and is centuries old.  It is based on a tea practice and embraces the beauty of imperfection and irregularity.  

I bought this book!
If you love and value old things that have stood the test of time and like to use these in decorating the home, your style could be wabi sabi.  “The real power of wabi sabi is tapped when you extend its forgiving concepts to your life, your relationships and your self,” (Feathering Your Nest pp. 60-61). 

Wabi Sabi reminds me of shabby chic because it is important to avoid clutter and to take care of imperfect things, such as cleaning and oiling old wood floors rather than refinishing them to perfection.  There is nothing more beautiful than preserving the patina of aged wood.  Nesting... suggests decorating with multifunctional and/or meaningful, attractive items.  They can be interesting artistically, like unusual lamps or frames.  Collections of family photos and heirlooms can lend a spiritual feel to a room.  And of course with all Eastern principles, bringing nature inside is characteristic of wabi sabi.  Nesting... provides other sources about wabi sabi design.  If you are like me, the simple aspects of this style of decorating are very attractive and it is nice to know that for once I am fashionable!

What do you think?  Is Wabi Sabi style the new Feng Shui?  Let me know!

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