Ham Dinner Slices
Prepared mustard*
Brown sugar*
1 cup milk (about)*
4 medium baking potatoes*
Freeze ham slices in 1-gallon bag. Label bag so you'll remember what meal the ham is for.
To serve, thaw ham slices. Prepare potatoes and bake in a preheated 400 degree oven for about 1 hour or until done. Place ham slices in a single layer in the bottom of an 8x8x2-inch baking dish treated with nonstick spray. Spread mustard on top of each slice; sprinkle brown sugar over mustard. Pour enough milk over ham slices to come half-way up their sides.
Bake uncovered 45 minutes. Yield: 4 servings. Serve with baked potatoes and cooked green beans. *Food items with an asterisk(*) won't be prepared until you serve the entrée.
Once-a-Month Cooking, by Mimi Wilson and Mary Beth Lagerborg, Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Co.